Basso Straps is a company from Rio Grande do Sul founded in 2001, with 23 years in the market, specialized in the DESIGN AND SALE OF ACCESSORIES FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. All products are launched on the market after broad approval by musicians, who contribute to their improvement in terms of use, comfort, practicality and cost-benefit.
The headquarters is located in Novo Hamburgo, the center of technology and production of shoes, bags, belts and other artifacts in Brazil, facilitating access to the best technologies on the market in the production of the accessories chain.
Market leader in STRAPS FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, it has dedicated itself year after year to improving this accessory, which is so important for musicians, whether in terms of its appearance, safety and comfort.
Since 2018, BASSO has been working on developing its products based on the pillars of Sustainability in accordance with best global practices, and in constant evolution.
As it is a new subject for the general public, but already very developed in the academic and specialized area, we will try to summarize the principles that guide this concept, being our main source:
It is the study of how natural systems function, remain diverse, and produce everything necessary for ecology to remain in balance. It also recognizes that human civilization requires resources to sustain our modern way of life. Sustainability considers HOW WE CAN LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE NATURAL WORLD AROUND US, protecting it from damage and destruction.
THE THREE PILLARS OF SUSTAINABILITY: In 2005, the World Summit for Social Development identified three main areas that contribute to the philosophy and social sciences of sustainable development:
For the sake of the environment, CONTROLLING WHAT WE CONSUME IS THE KEY ISSUE. Economic development is about giving people what they want, WITHOUT COMPROMISING QUALITY OF LIFE, especially in developing countries, and reducing the financial burden and “bureaucracy” of doing the right thing.
There are many facets to this pillar. The most important is awareness and legislation protecting people’s health from pollution and other harmful activities by companies and other organizations. It is also about maintaining access to basic resources without compromising quality of life. THE FINAL ELEMENT IS EDUCATION – encouraging people to participate in environmental sustainability and teaching them about the effects of environmental protection, as well as warning about the dangers if we fail to achieve our goals.
We all know what we need to do to protect the environment, whether it’s recycling, reducing our energy consumption by turning off electronic devices instead of using standby mode, taking short trips on foot instead of taking the bus. Businesses are regulated to prevent pollution and keep their own CARBON EMISSIONS LOW. Environmental protection is the third pillar and, for many, the main concern for the future of humanity. It defines how we should STUDY AND PROTECT ECOSYSTEMS, air quality, the integrity and sustainability of our resources and focusing on the elements that put pressure on the environment. It also concerns HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL DRIVE OUR GREENER FUTURE; environmental protection has recognized that the development of technology and biotechnology is essential for this sustainability and the protection of the environment of the future from the potential damage that technological advances may bring.
The professional network for sustainable development thinks, acts and works globally. In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development met to discuss and develop a set of goals to be worked towards. It presented a list of 17 items, which included, among other things:
• The end of poverty and hunger;
• Improved education and health standards – particularly with regard to water quality and improved sanitation;
• Achieve gender equality;
• Sustainable economic growth, promoting jobs and stronger economies
• All of the above and more while also dealing with the effects of CLIMATE CHANGE, pollution and other environmental factors that can harm and impair people’s health, livelihoods and lives;
• Sustainability to include the HEALTH OF LAND, AIR AND SEA.
Finally, it recognized the concept of nature with certain rights and the importance of putting people at the forefront of solving the above-mentioned global problems through environmental and consumption management (e.g. REDUCING PACKAGING and discouraging food waste, as well as PROMOTING THE USE OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS). (Source:
In this sense, THE BASSO COMPANY HAS BEEN GRADUALLY INCORPORATING THESE THREE PILLARS INTO ITS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, understanding that it is a journey that has no end, in constant development.
This translates directly into PRACTICAL ATTITUDES THAT WE STARTED IN 2018 and that already present measurable results that we list below:
– ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Currently, the entire production chain of our products is developed externally with a network of local suppliers, composed entirely of accredited SMALL BUSINESSES and LOCAL LABOR, fostering economic and social development in THEIR COMMUNITIES, based on the principles of environmental protection and sustainable development. All inputs are manufactured locally and follow international standards for environmentally correct production, aiming for the state of the art in the use of natural resources, water, energy, and increasingly INCORPORATION OF RENEWABLE AND RECYCLABLE RAW MATERIALS.
– ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Development of suppliers of increasingly RECYCLABLE raw materials. In these two years, WE HAVE REDUCED THE NUMBER OF PRODUCTS DEVELOPED WITH BOVINE LEATHER TO JUST 8%, replacing them with recyclable materials such as cotton, synthetics and new materials from the reuse of PET bottles.
According to annual estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, LIVESTOCK RESPONSIBLE FOR 14.5% OF TOTAL EMISSIONS (Source: Greenhouse gases are known to have a direct impact on climate change. Reducing the use of bovine leather is a very important step towards reducing the carbon footprint of our products.
Highlighting our ECOSTRAP® line, 100% manufactured from a LAMINATED SYNTHETIC material WITHOUT RAW MATERIALS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, VEGAN PREMIUM, 100% phthalate-free, 100% hydrolysis-free and 100% recyclable.
We also highlight OUR ITEMS PRODUCED FROM RECYCLABLE 100% SYNTHETICS, which can be ground at the end of their useful life and transformed into another synthetic laminate, or used as mattress filling or wall bricks. There are several studies for new uses, always aiming for recycling and use with the least possible impact on the environment. This is our direction!
Our goal and commitment is to try to achieve 100% of products that are demonstrably recyclable and have the lowest possible impact on the environment, as well as to reduce as much as possible the carbon footprint left by each product in relation to its entire production chain, from the birth of the raw material to the final reuse as a new raw material from its recycling. It is a long-term effort, but it is worth it!
What kind of world do we want to leave for our children?
Cadastre-se agora!