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ARGENTINA – Breyer Hnos S.A.

Breyer Hnos S.A. É uma empresa com mais de 130 anos de trabalho ininterrupto no mercado argentino de instrumentos musicais, que pertenceu a uma fábrica de piano, a única que existia na Argentina em Pilar Pcia de Santa Fe, e de violões clássicos, conquistando reconhecimento e prestígio muito importante a nível nacional. Com muito esforço e trabalho, permaneceu firme no mercado e, graças à experiência adquirida e à trajetória impecável, conseguiu assumir representações muito importantes, como a grande marca de piano do mundo: Steinway & Sons e a renomada marca Kawai.

Poucas empresas são tão antigas na Argentina e menos ainda em um campo específico. Milhares de artistas de todas as artes e famosos músicos argentinos e estrangeiros passaram pela casa: Carlos Gardel, Arthur Rubinstein, Daniel Barenboim, Bruno Gelber, Martha Argerich, Horacio Salgan, Ariel Ramirez, Horacio Lavandera …

Com base nessas grandes realizações, a Breyer Hnos se aventura na importação e distribuição de instrumentos e acessórios musicais. Com a experiência adquirida nesses anos, adquire representações importantes, como guitarras Ovation, harmônicas Lee Oskar, percussão Toca, guitarras Hagstrom, afinadores de querubim, pedais Nux, guitarras Breedlove, instrumentos de sopro Lincoln Winds, cordas Savarez, cordas Augustine, boquilhas Otto Link, entre outras.

Nesse processo, vários artistas optaram por tocar com instrumentos de nossa representação, como Leon Gieco, Victor Heredia, Luis Robinson, Andres Ciro Martinez, Juan alemão Piti Fernandez, Alejandro Lerner, Axel, Claudio Tano Marciello, etc.

O objetivo da empresa é continuar trabalhando com a mesma dedicação e esforço de todos esses anos e garantir qualidade, confiança e experiência na área de instrumentos musicais e seu mundo.



Payton & Son has a proud history of supplying musical instruments and accessories to the music trade for over 120 years. Our long and stable relationships with many of the world’s leading suppliers allows us to offer efficient and competitive service to music stores and education supply companies all over Australia and parts of the Pacific region.

Known as a market leader in the supply of orchestral string instruments, Paytons also have a strong presence in all aspects of musical product, including guitar, drum, brass, wind and folk.

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CENTRAL AMERICA – OnLine Music Shopes

We are a company dedicated to the distribution and commercialization of musical instruments in Central America, having our main business in El Salvador. Our objective is to give to the musicians the best instruments and accessorries of the best quality. Right now we have 2 showrooms in El Salvador in which we show our clients the products and they can test them and decide which ones satisfy their needs the most.  Also we have our warehouse where we manage the distributions and a special place where we offer maintenance and repairs of musical instruments.If you haven’t experienced yet the online music shopping experience, we invite you to do it now and don’t get used to the normal way of shopping. Try it and make the best of each purchase.

Countries of Distribution: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica


Somos una empresa dedicada a la comercialización de productos de: Iluminación Profesional, Stage, Disco, DJ, Truss y Proyectos de los mismos, apoyados por un grupo de profesionales con vasta experiencia en los productos y mercados internacionales, estamos ubicados en la Zona Franca de Iquique ZOFRI Chile, y desde aquí atendemos clientes de: Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay. Nuestras instalaciones cuentan con Bodega, Servicio Técnico, Profesionales de Comercio Exterior y Servicio al Cliente.


CZECH Republic / SLOVAKIA / POLAND / HUNGARY – Audio Partner

Our mission is to create an environment, in which our partners always and comfortably find the desired goods. We help musical instruments stores to reliably, and over a long period, fulfil the wishes of their customers by the means of first-rate services and a wide portfolio.

Apart form self-realization, work is also a certain set of values for us. We always strive to improve. We are motivated by professionalism, fair conduct and good relations with our business partners
We love to bring satisfaction to our customers.  

We are musicians and none of us can imagine life without music. We are grateful that we have belonged to the music world already since 2000. We do our part to make music a part of the lives of people around us as well.

JAPAN – Nihongoraku Co. Ltd.

Fundada em 1945 e sediada na cidade de Onomichi, província de Hiroshima. Atualmente, Nihongoraku distribui mais de 30 marcas famosas e concentra-se em instrumentos musicais e gerais importados, incluindo produtos originais de nossa empresa. Temos um longo relacionamento com uma grande variedade de lojas, como grandes cadeias de lojas, lojas de violão e ukulele, lojas de aulas de música, etc. vendemos para varejistas em todo o país.

Os Nihongoraku respeitam e cuidam de seus clientes e músicos, quem ama música e nós fornecemos o que as pessoas querem, o que significa que carregamos muitos produtos associados a instrumentos musicais.


PORTUGAL – Enrique Keller S.A.

ENRIQUE KELLER, S.A. was established in Zarautz (north of Spain) in 1944 by Mr. Enrique Keller Fritsch, a German businessman who settled in this beautiful village in 1932. Presently, the company is managed by his grandsons. Mr. Enrique Keller Fritsch passed away in the early 80 s.

The company is a leading enterprise in manufacturing since 1944 and a distributor of musical instruments and accessories since 1965 for Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Austria. Our optimum location in Zarautz, a stone s throw away from the rest of Europe and from the main commercial overseas routes, places us in a privileged environment for import and export.

ENRIQUE KELLER has two distinct business models:

–        A Musical Instruments Manufacturer (the biggest Manufacturer of classical guitars in Europe, branded as Admira)

–        One of the biggest Musical Instruments Distributor/Wholesaler in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Austria

SPAIN – Enrique Keller S.A.

ENRIQUE KELLER, S.A. was established in Zarautz (north of Spain) in 1944 by Mr. Enrique Keller Fritsch, a German businessman who settled in this beautiful village in 1932. Presently, the company is managed by his grandsons. Mr. Enrique Keller Fritsch passed away in the early 80 s.

The company is a leading enterprise in manufacturing since 1944 and a distributor of musical instruments and accessories since 1965 for Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Austria. Our optimum location in Zarautz, a stone s throw away from the rest of Europe and from the main commercial overseas routes, places us in a privileged environment for import and export.

ENRIQUE KELLER has two distinct business models:

–        A Musical Instruments Manufacturer (the biggest Manufacturer of classical guitars in Europe, branded as Admira)

–        One of the biggest Musical Instruments Distributor/Wholesaler in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Austria

UNITED KINGDOM – Strings and Things

Strings and Things foi criada como uma empresa de distribuição em 1976 e é uma empresa privada de gerência familiar. Fornecemos uma grande rede de varejistas fiéis e clientes comerciais, distribuindo muitas marcas líderes, incluindo Ernie Ball, estandes Hercules, Elixir Dunlop, Mooer e GHS. Com uma excelente reputação no MI de atendimento ao cliente, conhecimento do produto e profissionalismo geral, somos vistos como o principal distribuidor de acessórios de cordas e guitarras no Reino Unido e na Irlanda.

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